Core Connections Abdominal Centered Therapy

Caitlin serves Chittenden County and the surrounding areas

Caitlin Perry of Core Connections is a bodyworker specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine, abdominal therapy, and visceral manipulation. Her gentle approach to healing yields powerful transformations in the health and wellbeing of her clients. Caitlin sees bellies of all shapes, sizes, and times of life, but loves working with birthing people for fertility care, during pregnancy, postpartum, and after losses. She finds that healing postpartum and after a loss is something greatly missing in our society, and through her sessions, she aims to offer the warmth and nourishment that is needed to heal from the transformation of pregnancy and birth. People come to see Caitlin for any kind of abdominal discomfort, pain or healing, headaches, menstrual irregularities/pain, low back pain, anxiety, depression, and much more!

Caitlin teaches Abdominal massage to other bodyworkers, and will soon be teaching a massage class for birthworkers!