I’m Hannah, homeschooling mother of 4, postpartum doula, CLC, placenta encapsulation specialist and herbalist. I provide holistic care in the days, weeks and months post birth, supporting body, mind and spirit. Each visit last for 3 hours and includes an Abhyanga massage, a quart of warm bone broth and a quart of kitchari or other healing, easily digestible and tasty food.  I can assist you with newborn care, baby wearing info, holding baby so you can nap, eat, shower, etc., light housework, meal prep, a compassionate and understanding ear and more. 

Placenta encapsulation takes place in your home using clean and safe methods for a medicine you can use right away to support you through the baby blues and more, or save for other transitions later in life.  Included are also placenta prints and cord keepsakes, along with a mother's broth and tincture. 

You are not alone, let’s walk your road together.

This Mother’s Road

Hannah offer’s care to folks from Central VT to Burlington and the surrounding areas